Under the UNDP’s Kapuscinski Development Initiative, supported by the European Commission, the Faculty of Political Science and our Centre for International Security are hosting a trilogy of Vladan Joler’s lectures about Global Scale Systems. The second #KAPTalks lecture, titled “Anatomy and Geology of Media Technologies,” will be held on 23 February at the Faculty of Political Science and globally broadcasted via social media channels!

Vladan Joler is a technologist and new media professor. He is the founder of the SHARE Foundation and a professor at the New Visual Media department at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. He runs the SHARE Lab, a research laboratory for studying data with the purpose of exploring different social and technical aspects, invisible infrastructure, algorithm transparency, labor exploitation, and different phenomena that emerged with the development and use of modern technology. This research included a detailed analysis of business models, personal information exploitation processes, forms of hidden labor, surveillance economy, and algorithms hidden behind the walls of companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon. This specific line of action represents a fusion of investigative and artistic approaches and contains a wide array of different methodologies, a mixture of cyber forensic methods, data analysis and data visualization, cartography, media theory, and philosophy.

His second lecture, titled “Anatomy and Geology of Media Technologies,” will shed light on how each small moment of convenience requires a vast planetary network fueled by the extraction of non-renewable materials, labor, and data. The stack required to interact with contemporary networked technologies goes well beyond the multi-layered ‘technical stack’ of data modeling, hardware, servers, and networks. The full stack reaches much further into capital, labor, and nature and demands an enormous amount of each. The actual costs of these systems – social, environmental, economic, and political – remain hidden and may stay that way for some time. This lecture will explore an anatomical map of a single AI system – an exploded view of a planetary system across three stages of birth, life, and death. Anatomy of an AI system reflects, explore and question different issues related to sustainable development, inequality, and ethics hidden behind the fractal supply chains, network infrastructures, and algorithms.


Extended Anatomy of an AI System

Birth, Life, and Death of Consumer Electronics

Geology of Media

Fractal Supply Chains

Social, Environmental, Economic, and Political Costs

Join the lecture by:

– coming to the Faculty of Political Science, 165 Jove Ilića, Belgrade (REGISTRATION REQUIRED)

– livestreaming via Zoom (REGISTERATION REQUIRED)

– livestreaming at kapuscinskilectures.eu

– asking your questions to Vladan Joler via Zoom or Twitter using #KAPTalks hashtag!

If you missed the 1st lecture, titled “From the Internet Packet to the Algorithmic Factory”, you can catch it at: https://kapuscinskilectures.eu/lecture/planetary-scale-systems/

The information on registering for the third lecture, titled “Engines of New Extractivism” and scheduled for March 23, will be timely published on the CIS website and social media channels!

See you on Wednesday, 23 February 2022, at 5 pm, at the Faculty of Political Science!