Centre for International Security

International Security module on Master Academic Studies in Political Science
International Studies at the Faculty of Political Science, University in Belgrade is one of the leading programs in security studies in South-East Europe.

Regional Security Knowledge Hub
Regional Security Knowledge Hub (RSKH) is an interactive portal envisaged as a knowledge hub and a reference point for various aspects of regional security theory and practices. The RSKH is integrated with the CIS-FPS academic web domain that encompasses its research and publishing activities.
Journal of Regional Security
The Journal of Regional Security is an open-access peer-reviewed journal specializing in the field of regional security studies published by the faculty of Political Science – University of Belgrade and Belgrade Centre for Security Policy.

Disclaimer: The views herein expressed are solely those of the authors and constributors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the OSCE Mission to Serbia and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.