Forming connections between security sector reform and sustainable development: The potential of the human security paradigm
Dursun Özkanca Oya, Glušac Luka
Scarcity and instability: Transforming societies through equitable distribution mechanisms
Patel Jaynisha, Lucey Amanda
Images of (in)security: Visualizing borders, migrants and control in Serbia’s news media
Krstić Aleksandra
On “Westsplaining,” realism, and technologies of the Self: A Foucauldian reading of the realist commentary on Ukraine
Kazharski Aliaksei
Innovation in the defence industry from the end of the Cold War to the war in Ukraine
Mészáros Alexandra Ágnes
The Balkan Peace Index 2023: Monitoring the regional peace
Tepšić Goran
Dukalskis, Alexander: Making the World Safe for Dictatorship, Oxford University Press, 2021
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